New Haven County Landscaping Contractors, Landscapers, Landscape Companies | Connecticut Landscaping
To help you in your search for local New Haven County County residential and commercial landscaping pros, landscape designers, landscape contractors, lawn care companies and landscaping services, every service listed in the area below offers detailed information about the landscape business or service including services provided, languages spoken, type of payment received, and more.
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Please feel free to browse other counties within this state at your convenience and thank you for making Landscapers Direct a part of your search for New Haven County landscapers and landscaping contractors.
In our directory, the
New Haven County landscaping contractors and
landscape gardeners are broken down into two categories:
- Residential Landscaping
- Commercial Landscaping
and the following types of companies we list will give you FREE landscaping quotes:
- New Haven County landscaping contractors
- New Haven County landscape businesses
- New Haven County landscaping companies
- New Haven County landscape services
- New Haven County landscapers
- New Haven County lawn care services
- residential landscape contractors New Haven County
- residential landscaping businesses New Haven County
- residential landscape companies New Haven County
- residential landscaping services New Haven County
- residential lawn care companies New Haven County
- residential landscapers New Haven County
- landscape architects New Haven County
- landscape company New Haven County
- landscape designers New Haven County
- commercial landscaping contractors New Haven County
- commercial landscape businesses New Haven County
- commercial lawn maintenance companies New Haven County
- commercial landscaping companies New Haven County
- commercial landscape services New Haven County
- commercial landscapers New Haven County
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding these types of establishments.
Every company listed for either residential landscaping or commercial landscaping typically offer one or more of the following services: Yard maintenance and/or Landscape Design and/or Landscape Installation. Landscape Design and Landscaping Installation sometimes are referred to as "Design-Build" landscaping.
Landscaping Ideas - Landscaping Tips & Articles
Basil - The Queen of Herbs
Basil, (Ocimum basilicum), has been around for a long time and was originally named by Theophrastus (you know, the guy who co-founded and then replaced Aristotle as head of the Peripatetic school of philosophy back in 323 B.C.) There are indeed 35 species in the Basil family of plants, ranging from annuals right through perennials and into shrubs. The one I'm interested in though is a tender annual here in zone 4 and is perhaps the most important culinary herb in my repertoire...
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Summer Heathers
Heathers are low-growing, shrub-like perennials that blossom into a sea of color. They look great planted with dwarf conifers, especially when a variety of shapes, colors and textures are used. Interplant late flowering varieties with deciduous plants that have colorful foliage in the fall for a striking display, and use them in camellia and rhododendron beds to add summer color...
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Planting Around Tree Roots
Have you ever tried to cut through layers of maple roots to plant that groundcover or flowering shrub that you so diligently picked out? Have you ever found that after picking the perfect spot to plant that there is a four-inch diameter root in the middle of the hole? Well there is a better way to plant in the shade and it does not involve digging at all. After years of struggling with pick axes and shovels, I started planting on top of the soil...
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